Beranda Perempuan and the women of Pulau Raman Village of the Batanghari Regency, Sumatra, Indonesia #ChooseToChallenge environmental degradation and poverty by organizing the women in the community and building their capacity in sustainable agriculture.
Through trainings conducted by Beranda Perempuan with the support of NTFP-EP and PRSGF-GAGGA, the village members learned of the risks and dangers of using chemical pesticides and fertilizers in farming. They also have successfully organized two women’s groups from the upstream and downstream areas of the Batanghari River who participated in capacity-building activities focusing on environmentally friendly sustainable agriculture. They are also collectively managing their own demonstration plot. Five female leaders, who have the potential to be trainers, were able to harness their skills in making natural fertilizers.
Aside from building their capacity in eco-friendly sustainable agriculture, Beranda Perempuan are working with the women of Pulau Raman village in voicing out their demands and concerns to the regency government.